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To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
From: Stephen Bailey <sbailey@vinton.com>
Subject: Re: VR
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>Very interesting! Do you know where I can get more info on this or if
>there is a version of WebSpace available for the Alpha?
Some may be interested in these sites:
www.worlds.com (or maybe it's .net)
www.webcrawler.com (search VRML, etc.)
you should be able to search VRML and find a ton of archives and
sites to get info and examples.
I've used TGS Webspace with great results. It's not as fast as you'd want,
but it offers realtime shading, lighting effects, etc. And it's pretty
simple to get yourself up and running, even making your own spaces.
Sorry, I don't know about an Alpha version. Check out the above sites, if
you can.
Another interesting advancement is the upcoming release of Netscape 2.0.
Worlds, Inc. has a plugin for it called WebFX which will put VRML directly
into Netscape. Instead of clicking on GIFs or JPG inline images, you click
on animating 3D objects. Browsing in 3D sounds fun, if it's not to slow.
We're getting really close to being able to create actual web "spaces" with
Please, someone chime in if they have anything to add. I've made this a